December 18, 2009

Small creatures, gnomes and other things

Collage inspired "Puppy love" (clay, glaze, low fire).

Another view showing the sad face and the gnome hat.

Abundance, clay, glazes, low fire
I was addicted to the extrusion tool for this piece.

Continuation of the theme with faces.

A Vase, red clay, glazes, high fire
Wiping off the glaze creates this interesting metallic effect.
In this piece the top layer of the glaze has flopped
down and made layers of colors.

This two sided sculpture was also made with the extrusion tool.
This is the man's face and the woman's face is on the other side
with their hair interlaced. I have just realized that this description
matches the Abramovic work, which I really like.
May be it crept in unconsciously :)

On the inside part of this sculpture is a monochromatic drawing
of trees and birds and the curtain floating through the window on the other side.

The most "Colorful Creature" (clay, glaze, low fire) out of these.
Definitely influenced by contemporary artworks that I see around.
Otherwise he is very joyful and funny and silent :)

Splash (clay, glaze, stain, high fire)
Combination of rigid forms and organic matter
merging in to one form for this moment of time.

Splash - view from a different angle

This guy started as a woman and transformed into an alien headed,
meditative creature. One of the interpretations: he has more tongues
in his stomach, because ... (write your ideas below)

November 2, 2009

Playing with ceramics

Bruegel inspired creature.

From another side


the latest and favorite piece

October 13, 2009


These are couple sculptural things I have created lately

Not a box, brown and white clay

Brown clay, glazing

Madre Tierra

I have been working on the collaboration for the Day of the Dead. The exhibition is at Mission Cultural Center October 15- November 21, 2009.

August 30, 2009


Wonder, pencil on paper

These are some of the recent works I have done. A medley of things including drawings, collage and etching.

Soft, pencil on paper

Dragonite, etching

Serenity, collage

Butterfly, pencil on paper

May 23, 2009

Inspired by collage

Using collages as an intermediate part of the creative process I have done an aquatint and a drawing. The first one was created based on the the faces I have been morphing by changing the features likes eyes and lips. This drawing is created with a pen.

The collage for the aquatint was born, because of the photograph from the National Geographic of a woman with the most sad-angry eyes. As you might have noticed (or not) the imagery of the open mouth keeps coming to the artwork I create. I am still looking for the correct interpretation in words for its persistence. In this work the insects are representative of words. Would love to read your interpretations.

April 13, 2009


Since I enjoyed collagraphs so much, I thought I should try collages.
And it was more fun than I expected.
If you are into collages and would like to join me
OR if you have magazines to get rid of (humans and animals)- do let me know :)

March 29, 2009

Exploring Collagrphs

Photogprapher collagraph

Well, I am officially addicted to the collagraphs! My guess, it is the spontaneity of creating them and the painterly quality is what I find so appealing to me.
Here are the images of the new ones.

New York Impressions: Cheese moon collagraph

Blues collagraph

March 22, 2009


This is a new medium for me. The plate is created with cardboard and collage of paper, glue, acrylic materials, cutouts and such. After the plate is sealed the ink is smeared and then taken off with tarlatan. There is always an element of surprise as to how the image will print and it is nearly impossible (at least for me) to create an identical print. :)

Looking through collagraph

Forms collagraph

Landscape collagraph

March 7, 2009

Bubble drawings

These drawing are based on the bubble prints I made. It's a perfect inspiration to play around with imagination! I recommend it :)

Conversation, 8" x 11", ink on paper

Dance traces, 8" x 11", ink on paper

Dreamer, 8" x 11", ink on paper

February 15, 2009

Linocut prints

Fish, 4 x 6

These are my new linocut prints. I will soon be exploring collagraph and dry point.

, 8 x 6

This is an older design, in brown.

Hiding, 4 x 6

Possession, 10 x 8

January 10, 2009


Seems that I can't get enough of watercolors lately. I enjoy this medium surprisingly enough as it is quite different from oil. The fluidity and transparency of colors give it a challenge to work with and at the same time an effect that can not be done with oils.